1. Christ, the Messiah — Son of Allâh

Diposting oleh jagosilat.com on Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

‘The belief of the Christians that the Messiah is the Son of God (Allâh).’

This is a belief that is not supported by any statement of the Messiah عليه السلام. In fact, we find the Torah and the Gospels filled with evidence, to the contrary, that nullifies this belief. We find in the Gospel of John 19:6-8: “When the chief priests and the officers saw him, they cried out, ‘Crucify him, crucify him!’ Pilate said to them, ‘Take him yourselves and crucify him, for I find no crime in him.’ The Jews answered him, ‘We have a law, and by that law he ought to die, because he has made himself the Son of God.’”[1]

Matthew begins his Gospel C: 1:1, with what is said to be Jesus’s family lineage where he (Matthew) states: “The Book of the Lineage of Christ, the son of David, the son

[1] Unless otherwise noted, all biblical references are from: The Holy Bible containing the Old And New Testaments, revised standard version, translated from the original tongue being the version set forth A .D. 1611 revised A. D. 1881-1885 and A. D. 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A. D. 1952, published by Thomas Nelson & Sons. [How strange indeed that what is offered as a proof by those who insist upon the authenticity of biblical texts is such an obvious proof against themselves!]

[1] Unless otherwise noted, all biblical references are from: The Holy Bible containing the Old And New Testaments, revised standard version, translated from the original tongue being the version set forth A .D. 1611 revised A. D. 1881-1885 and A. D. 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A. D. 1952, published by Thomas Nelson & Sons. [How strange indeed that what is offered as a proof by those who insist upon the authenticity of biblical texts is such an obvious proof against themselves!]

of Abraham.” In this lineage is an evidence of his being a flesh and blood mortal in contradiction to the claim of his being divine. It is as if you were to say to me, “It has been attributed to Jesus the description ‘Son of God,’ so he therefore claimed to be the Son of God.” I respond thus: This description related in the Torah and the Injeel6 is given not only to other Prophets but to nations and peoples. It is not something peculiar to the Messiah. To be sure you can look for example in Exodus 4:22, Psalms 2:7, Chronicles 22:9-10, Matthew 5:9, Luke 3:38, and John 1:12. In all of these verses are descriptions of the aforementioned groups as “Sons of God,” nevertheless they were not elevated to the level that you have given to the Messiah عليه السلام.

In the Gospel of John 1:12, we are given a definition of what is meant by the “Son of God.” It shows that it means ‘a believer in Allâh’ as in the passage – “He came to his own home, and his own people received him not.[1] But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God who were born

[1] Commonly translated and understood as the Gospels though it literally refers to the Scripture revealed to Prophet Jesus (‘Iesa) عليه السلام

7 Referring to Jesus عليه السلام.

[1] Commonly translated and understood as the Gospels though it literally refers to the Scripture revealed to Prophet Jesus (‘Iesa) عليه السلام

7 Referring to Jesus عليه السلام.

not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”

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